Production of polyester on PET base - Spolek pro chemickou a hutní výrobu, a.s., Ústí n. L.

Project: Production of polyester on PET base
Investor: Spolek pro chemickou a hutní výrobu, a.s.
INTECON spol. s r.o. - General supplier
Stapox spol. s r.o., DÍZA spol. s r.o. – Assembly Technology, Steel Structures
STAVCHEM, spol. s r.o. – Civil part
Siemens Engineering, a.s. – Electro part
SpolReg, s.r.o. – Measurement and control
SEKOS Ústí nad Labem, s.r.o . - Main equipment
Drawing works: 06/2007 – 04/2008
Realization: 03/2008 – 12/2008
Investment: 73 / 9 mil. CZK (total / civil)
Technical description
It is the construction of a new operation for the production of polyester resins using recycled PET with a total projected capacity of 13 718 t / year.
Technological part
Alkoholyzate production line with capacity of 7.318 t/year - 1 x 10m3 reactor, hopper, filtration.
Line for the production of granulated polyester resin with a capacity of 6.400 t / year - a reactor 2x10m3, tub 1x10m3, hoppers, filtration, granulation passport, bagging the valve sacks and big bags, palletizing.
Fully automated production system.
300 °C, 1160 kW Heating medium.
Catalytic destruction off-gases.
Semi-extinguishing equipment, electronic fire alarm, lab.
Connect production at existing storage reservoirs of raw materials and products, energy, water and sanitation, plant transport infrastructure.
Civil part
The plant was placed in an existing building with reinforced concrete skeleton supporting 6x6m, which were made necessary adjustments (eg in the fields of technological devices are designed ceilings with frame construction of rolled steel beams, boiler room, incinerator, the social part).
Company INTECON ensure complete project documentation and construction supply, as "turnkey supply", including all the necessary works of the general contractor from the EIA documentation to comprehensive testing and guarantee test.