Manufacture of polyester resins - III. phase alkyds - Spolek pro chemickou a hutní výrobu, a.s., Ústí n. L.

Project: Manufacture of polyester resins - III. phase alkyds
Investor: Spolek pro chemickou a hutní výrobu, a.s.
domesticsuppliers of choice of the investor
Design works: 03/2008 – 10/2008
Realization: 10/2008 – 03/2009
Investment: 90 / 5 mil. CZK (total / civil)
Technological part
Under III. phase was implemented a new production line - reactor 1x32m3, vats 2x50m3, homogenization tanks 2x70m3, tank AKF 100m3.
Equipment was connected to the existing distributions and existing utilities plant (existing fire fighting system, raw materials and products storages), which were added as necessary.
Civil part
To place the technological equipment were added to the existing reinforced concrete frame factory frame structure from rolled steel beams. In the factory floor was built the foundations for placing equipment for detection and emergency reservoir.
Realization of III. phase was carried out using by five outages of operation for several days, it was necessary to maintain production in existing production lines.
Employees of INTECON ensure documentation to change the building before its completion, documentation for realization, and engineering services during construction (coordination of suppliers).