Installation 5. production line - JOTUN POWDER COATINGS (CZ) a.s. Trmice

Project: Installation 5. production line
Client: Jotun Powder Coatings (CZ), a.s. Trmice
General designer: INTECON spol. s r. o.

SpolReg, s.r.o.
ATLAS STEEL, spol. s r. o .
ERVIS s.r.o.

Design works: 2007
Realization: 2007
Investment: 8 / 0,1 mil. CZK (total / civil)

Technological part

Subject was the location of the exercise documentation 5th production line. Specification of the supply of machinery and equipment to ensure the company Jotun Powder Coating (CZ) a.s.

The project included an arrangement of the platform for technology - beams change under the filter, further were strengthen the profile of carrier platform.
Been worked out connection cooling and warming water, compressed air and a new air-conditioning piping for the exhaust line.

Civil part

Civil part of the documentation included, in particular cutouts adjustment, and reduce of cutout by transmission platform for the filter, further the new punctures in the walls of the new hall for the air conditioning piping.
There also been has extended platform of 2.5 m2.

Company INTECON ensure EIA documentation, documentation for construction permit and realization.