Absorption of SO2-gases and increase production of alumina - Spolek pro chemickou a hutní výrobu, a.s., Ústí n. L.

Project: Absorption of SO2-gases and increase production of alumina
Investor: Spolek pro chemickou a hutní výrobu, a.s.
INTECON spol. s r. o. – General Contractor
DGE GmbH (Germany) – absorption unit delivery device
Design works: 01/2007 – 09/2007
Realization: 09/2007 – 01/2008
Investments: 41 / 5,1 mil. CZK (Total / Building)
Technological part
Installing absorption unit to capture SO2-gases from calcination of alum 5.000 kg / hr. The unit is replenished with hydrogen peroxide and sulfuric acid 45% produces.
Installing new calcining furnace including fluidization handling Al2O3 powder.
Pilot testing of heat recovery by heating the combustion air downstream from calcination of saving earth gas.
The absorption unit is connected to the existing distribution of water and energy, cooling water is air cooled by condenser.
Construction part
For the location of the new furnaces were made in the current building Monocrystals.
By the building was built system of detention and emergency reservoirs for filling tank trucks, placing the structure for absorption unit and reservoirs of hydrogen peroxide and sulfuric acid.
Company INTECON provides documentation for building permit and realization of project as "turnkey supply".